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Money Matters

CBSOR member Erwin Reeves, Community Affairs Specialist Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), will present a money management seminar on Money Matters. 

Mr. Reeves is a respected community benefit professional adept at building portfolios, relationships, and teams while promoting training/mentor-ship programs. He possesses sound financial management skills and has vast experience in program development. His excellent communication skills haveafforded him the opportunity to work with community representatives, front line employees, elected officials and executive managers.

Mr. Reeves leads and coordinates training workshops and seminars for the FDIC to address specific community reinvestment issues, works to improve lending performance and assists in the development of strategies to meet identified credit needs of low income communities.

By the end of his Money Matters seminar, participants will understand how to manage money by preparing a personal spending plan and identifying ways to decrease spending and increase income.


Earlier Event: September 17
Children's Church
Later Event: September 21
Department of Christian Education